We are so proud of our Foodstep kids!
They build a small house, did all the preparations to grow mushrooms. Today we harvested them. Filled 10 bags!!
I went immediately to the kitchen. Made mushroom soup, mushroom on toast, grilled mushroom with tomatoes and cheese, and mushroom risotto. Foodstep kids also liked it!
Hopefully soon, restaurants and shops will enjoy our Green Steps mushrooms!! Xn
- We would like a wall between the dining hall and girls' building. That way the girls will also have privacy.
- Our farm with home-grown greens and mushrooms also needs some support. Moreover, we want chicks to become chickens again and provide us with eggs
- A new house where bicycles can be repaired for our children and friends who visit us
- Medical expenses for children who have been badly mistreated. And suffered psychological and serious injuries as a result
- A new football and basketball
- For a whole year of sanitary pads for 20 girls
- Painting the playground equipment for the toddlers
- School fees for the kids in exam years primary 7, secondary 4 and secondary 6
- A bag of rice and beans
- A day out together
- 1 fruit per child during the week
- 1 clean new pair of pants
- Lots of love and prayers....
Foodstep Uganda kids
First aid
Soooo super busy!!! All the kids have to go back to their effective school, with their own things to bring! From pens to notebooks. From bread to butter. From in to out brushes. From notebooks to calculators, from sanitary pads to toilet paper, from biscuits to juice,....really? Just to MAY GO to school
On 11 February, I will become 52 years old.
We started our own Foodstep mushroom growing house in our garden. All the boys helped ! It looks amazing!
But the teacher gave us only the price to build the house, not to get the benches, compost bags , mushroom ranks, .... so we need an other 350 $ /€ to finish the whole project. The mushrooms will benefit our meals at Foodstep home, but also provide food in our and other restaurants.
I want to give my birthday present for the Foodstep kids! Thank you, Nathalie
Bible quiz
Yesterday we got an amazing day! 2 of our Foodstep kids, Owori and Frank, won the Bible quiz! The questions where sooo difficult, but still our 2 boys, trained bij our Foodstep Pastor, managed to give the wright answers. After 3 hours we got Owori on 1st place and Frank on 3 the place!
Foodstep is TOP ! X n
Another few projects in Foodstep!
- The complete finishing of our beautiful bungalow at Lake Victoria = 3843 euros
- Restarting our little clinic, also for the neighbourhood children = 200 euros
- outside school party children also have to bring all their school supplies themselves. So they stay at school internally for 8 weeks = for all foodstep kids this is 2000 euros
- food prices have tripled! Food for 80 people every week is 250 euros
We want to thank you very much for your prayers, financial and loving help to our amazing Foodstep kids! Xn
Water wel
On January 3th 10 years ago Werner had a brain infarction. After that a heart infarction, kidney stones, appendix, Malaria 16 times and diabetes. It was quite a rollercoaster. And ... he is stil there.
I want to thank all the people, even if it are a few, for praying for him but also for me. There where enough times the only thing I could do was watching from the side lines. Without God on my side it would have been unbearable.
Love you al! x Nathalie