
At this very moment, all of our sponsoring comes from out of Belgium, The Netherlands, UK and USA, friends and sympathizers. Especially trough sponsoring
a child.

For every child at the Foodstep Home we are looking for sponsors to pay the daily expenses. Apart from that, there are also schools and sport associations who are committed to help Foodstep. With this support we can provide a hopeful future for many Ugandese kids and we are able to help in the Kampiringisa Rehabilitation Centre. 

We have our own accountant who looks after our finances. Also the transportation of the goods is working out fine, especially thanks to the help of KLM.

In Belgium, my parents, Nicole Brans and Guillaume Seliffet, are the ones who put in a lot of effort to make Foodstep known. They visit schools, associations but also the administration runs trough them. And thanks to them, it al runs smoothly.

Also the Dutch departement, which is led by Dutchmen with Uganda experience, runs smoothly. Foodstep USA and UK are still in an early fase, but also here things go wel.



Project "The Homecoming"

A home for every child


Rehabilitation Centre


Every gift saves a life.