We need your help
No connection
Momentarily all internet and phone connections are down with Uganda due to the elections. At least for another week.
Lost contacts
Dear friends of Foodstep,
How are you doing? We are all fine in our Foodstep home. Because of the election, there are some issues in the city but we pray that everything stays okay.
On Sunday some body stole my tablet/ phone. I lost all my contacts, mails, photos, information, that is why you probably did not get answers on your massages and WhatsApp.
Can you please send your name and telephone to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. then soon I can contact you again!
Thank you so much!
May God bless you all !
Nathalie Seliffet
Foodstep Uganda.
Borders are open
We need to pray for chucra nanonge, a 6 year old girl, who was burned by the family. She is now in hospital, tomorow we hope to see her again. Please pray for medical support. X foodstep Uganda