

Sunday, 20 February 2022 13:12

Baby boy

Please pray that this little boy, (on the left) can come and live in Foodstep! We will also found a good place for his handicapped 16 year old mother (on the right)
If you would like to sponsor them, please let us know.
Foodstep Uganda

Sunday, 20 February 2022 13:10

Working from home

Working from home they call it nowadays. But from the most beautiful place on earth. xn

Sunday, 20 February 2022 12:38


I thank my amazing Foodstep staff and people of Home of Hope to made the burial for our little boy Patrick so lovely! Also thanks for ingeneering and his team. X mama Nathalie

Sunday, 20 February 2022 11:53


Dear Emma, dear Fien

We are lost with words. What a surprise! Such wonderful sports and soccer shoes, hardly used!
A complete team fully equipped with shorts and t-shirts. Even for the keeper. 
Truly, thank you very much!

Of course a big thank you to al sponsors from Eendracht Stevoort and U13 Krc Genk Ladies.

It was a big event. Al sportsmen promised to do their best at sportschool. To score and be happy is the message.
You helped big time! Also a big thank you to Els for bringing these heavy suitcases to Uganda.

Big kiss! Nathalie, Christopher, Lokolongo, Ukumu, Martin, Mozes, Esther, Sara, Kidudu, Grace.

Foodstep Uganda ??



Sunday, 20 February 2022 11:44

Back to school

Back to school! Happy Foodstep kids

Friday, 18 February 2022 14:26

Little boy

Our little boy has sickle cell cancer and tuberculose. Please pray for him.

Friday, 18 February 2022 14:01


Today, after a lot of hugging, Saint-Nicolas has arrived at Foodstep Uganda. We had a wonderfull day. Thank you for al the sponsoring.
We were able to give our kids new shoes, cutlery, matrases, school utilities, a new hair clipper, sweets and a large spaghetti feast.

Tomorrow school starts again and we couldn't have wished for a nicer start than this.
From Nathalie and all Foodstep kids … thank you Saint-Nicolas 


Thursday, 17 February 2022 12:59

School year

It was a strange period these long months. But my amazing Foodstep kids and staff made the best out of it.
We are so proud of you! Let's start a new school year. We bless you all with wisdom and love! X mama and papa

Thursday, 17 February 2022 12:52

Baby Allan

Can you please pray for our baby Allan. He has water in some organs. We rush to the hospital x foodstep Uganda

Thursday, 17 February 2022 12:51


Look! Our grandson eating crickets for the first time.