

Sunday, 11 June 2023 16:51


We got a memorable funeral for Jan Van Droogenbroeck.
His ashes are now in Lake Victoria. His favorite place. RIP our best friend.
Werner, Nathalie and Foodstep Uganda family

Sunday, 11 June 2023 16:46


It's so amazing that friends all over the world are supporting Foodstep! Our home made Foodstep things are selling good!
Thank you all,
Foodstep Uganda kids

Sunday, 11 June 2023 16:41


We made it again in Bundibugyo for regionals.

Sunday, 11 June 2023 16:36


On Friday the 16th of April, our Foodstep kids, especially Frank, organized a wonderful worship on our land.
Singing, praying, music, dancing, nice food....
They invited kids from school and neighborhood. They where with 40 peoples. It was wonderful! Our land was in joy and peace!
I was the proudest mother in the whole of Africa! Well done Foodstep kids.!
Next year they want to come back...I am sure, one day our land will be filled with youth worshipping God!!

Sunday, 02 April 2023 14:59

Chris and Philemon

So proud of Chris and Philemon. They are in special education together but doing fantastically well! Xn

Sunday, 02 April 2023 14:54


Dear friends,
During corona we ran up a sky-high hospital bill. Lots of malaria, also this week 4 kids with severe malaria, orthopaedic surgeries, burns, physio therapies, medication, vaccinations, chicken pox....
Now we have in our home a girl Clair 17 y. A tumour was discovered in her left breast yesterday . She has to have surgery and biopsy immediately!
Now the hospital says we have to pay for the outstanding bill first before they operate on her.
18 000 000 ugx is 5000 euros, outstanding bill at Emanuelle hospital in Entebbe.
Who can help us? Little bits make a big difference ! Will you also pray for Clair?
Thank you very much!

Sunday, 02 April 2023 14:42


Foodstep only got winners at International school Uganda! I am soooo proud! Thanks mister Paul for your big heart towards Foodstep Uganda xn

Yes and also family day. I have never been sooooo angry in my life!!! We were invited, but head of parents in International school just shouted us away. You are not in my programme, you and YOUR KIDS, YOU GO, GO, GO, GO! There are (ritch) parents who don't want you to be here!
While we just wanted to show our talent in acrobatic and sports.
Well then you're pretty much at the wrong address, making fun of me in front of everyone and especially in front of my kids like that.
Just wait ....
Our kids had got my message!
Running game no 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5 all MY FOODSTEP KIDS!
Football match , -10 j Foodstep No 1! , -16 j Foodstep no 1!
So settled that!!!

Sunday, 02 April 2023 14:37


Sooooo amazing! We are proud of you! Mama, papa and all the Foodstep family.
Our Christopher in Foodstep Uganda!

Sunday, 02 April 2023 14:36


Our Foodstep Acrobatic team is becoming so famous. Peoples ask us to perform on their celebrations ?
But our materials like juggling sticks,fitnes diabolo, foam mats,.... need to be replaced. (Total 260 euro)
Our coach Emma and her Foodstep team would be so thankful if you could help them! X Nathalie

Sunday, 02 April 2023 13:59

Jan Van Droogenbroeck

Recently, our best friend Jan, has past away.

Kortelings is onze goede vriend Jan van ons heengegaan.