

Saturday, 01 December 2018 13:13

Saint Nicolas

This year we would love to buy new mattresses for the children in the rehabilitation center. At least 100 pieces at €20 per mattress (transport included).
Also our 10th edition of the Saint Nicolas action is ready to start. €1 for 1 pencil, 1 orange and 1 small package of biscuits. Thanks in advance, Nathalie and all of our Foodstep Uganda kids. 


Monday, 19 November 2018 14:54

Vélo Afrique

Today we've finished a whole week with Vélo Afrique. Taking care of their catering. Cooking on charcoal stoves, fetching water out of the Nile. Sleeping on mats, driving for hours with a truck, washing clothes by hand …. But what an amazing experience!
I was there with the kids of Foodstep and some of my staff. They were top! Thank you Vélo Afrique for supporting Foodstep Uganda. X Nathalie

Friday, 09 November 2018 10:45

Visit of the mayor

Today our mayor, lc 1 and a representative of ministry of environment visited our land. They saw it was all very fine! Well done Foodstep Uganda!

Monday, 29 October 2018 14:30


Today our Foodstep son, Livingstone, graduated from university! We are soooo proud! Some of our kids helped cooking food, dansed and dit acrobatics. It was an amazing party! Xn

Wednesday, 17 October 2018 17:45


We have a boy we call Mickel. We've just found out that his mother and stepfather believed a witch, that there were bad spirits in his calves. They were burned out.
Fortunate we had 5 nurses in the visitors team. Praise God!!
He is doing wel. We also found de biological father. Will you pray for him? Xn 

Monday, 15 October 2018 15:57


Today my amazing foodstep boys ran a competition. The rain and mud was to to much!! But they all finished the race . 5km, 10km and 21km. I am so proud ! Xn

Thursday, 04 October 2018 17:38

Sending money

People can now sent money straight to our euro and dollar account at Eco bank Uganda!!!!

More information can be found on our "donate" page.

Wednesday, 03 October 2018 11:29

Medical care

We have sooo many kids who need medical care! Miriam her voice, Angala a knee operation, Ronald a new hip, Eric a bone operation, Mickel burning wounds, Filemon the fee for a sign luangisch teacher since he is deaf, Hilda skin recontructions so she can walk better after her burning wounds, malaria....

Wednesday, 03 October 2018 11:22


Can we pray for Miriam? The last 6 months her voice was gone. She got surgery now. We need 200 dollar/ 175 euro to pay this surgery. If you know somebody who can help this 8 year old girl? Xn  

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Tuesday, 04 September 2018 16:49


Today our Italian friend Elena, gave our kids professional facial massage. So was amazing! So wonderfull when people bring their talent and love to our children. Xn