

Thursday, 08 June 2017 10:26


Dit is werkelijk de foto van Foodstep Uganda die alles zegt! Philemon, manneke van 5 jaar oud; zijn moeder deed brandend zuur in zijn oortjes...
Dove kinderen bedelen beter....?!?
Nu is hij bij ons, Foodstep Uganda, vol liefde, scholing, lol en verwachtingen!! Philemon, een kanjer jochie!


Monday, 05 June 2017 09:36

Dja dja and muzee

Today our oldest boy in Foodstep, Mike Bbosa, became father from a beautifull daughter Precious . And so we became, already for the 5th time, dja dja and muzee. xn

Wednesday, 31 May 2017 11:20


Today we went with 26 girls to the hospital. For the injection against cervix cancer( baarmoederhals kanker) . They where very brave, I love them so much! Xn

Monday, 29 May 2017 08:27

Check-up Werner

Yesterday we went back to the hospital for a check up on Werner. He is in perfect condition! Aspiration, heartbeat, kidneys, blood pressure, he lost 16 kg of weight, .....He still need to rest a lot, but thats no problem! He asked me thank alk the friends who prayed for him and loved him. X n

He is doing bible study with our kids. He is specialist in the history and the pastor takes care of the bible verses. So beautiful.  

Monday, 29 May 2017 08:25


Beautifull painting with all the hands of my amazing Foodstep kids! All thanks to Kampala Ink ! It was an amazing day! Xn



Monday, 22 May 2017 20:01

Proud mamie

This are the amazing Foodstep fruits after soooo many years working in the Ugandan childrens prison. The girls netball team, green shirts are still in, the rest lives in Foodstep Home.
The boys volleyball team, the blue shirts are Foodstep children, who where before in the children prison , like the boys in red shirt.... They all got an amazing day, we where all winners.......
I am a proud mamie xn

Friday, 19 May 2017 19:54

Geluk zit in kleine dingen

Het geluk zit in kleine dingen. Zaadjes geplant op 14 mei, staan na 6 dagen al klaar om ingeplant te worden!!
Kleine Hilda geeft me met een ernstige hoofdwonde en plastische chirurgie aan beide beentjes...een smile, waar niets tegen op kan!
Tel je Zegeningen! Xn

Friday, 19 May 2017 19:52


Little Hildas wounds.....?. Plaise pray for her! Xn

Sunday, 14 May 2017 19:35


Hilda is een vechtertje! Zo'n mooi kind! haar 4de operatie in 4 maand. Xn

Sunday, 14 May 2017 19:34


Vandaag hebben enkele van onze Foodstep kids weer nieuwe zaden gezaaid. Dank je wel Albert Hein en KLM  voor de moestuintjes.

X Nathalie en alle Foodstep kids